Rednal Hill Junior School

Rednal Hill Junior School

Together we can turn possibility into reality

  1. Home

Head's Welcome

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you on behalf of the children, parents, staff and governors to Rednal Hill Junior School’s website. I hope that this site gives you an insight into our school and demonstrates the warmth, care and community feel that we have here at Rednal.

RHJS is a happy, vibrant and inspiring place to be. Every day, I am proud of our wonderful children and all that they achieve. We have created a warm and nurturing environment which is full of enthusiastic children and staff who are committed to supporting children to achieve their very best, both academically and personally. Our team here put the children at the heart of all that we do and we are proud that our school ethos is about continuously striving to be the best that we can be to create a culture of excellence.

Community is at the heart of everything we do and we work closely with our parents, carers, governors and extended families who provide invaluable support for the school to ensure that pupils are given every opportunity to reach their full potential.

At RHJS we are passionate about creating a learning environment which engages and motivates our learners to work hard and flourish. We want to develop children’s skills and understanding of independence, resilience, perseverance, integrity and responsibility to prepare them with the essential life skills for the future. Our curriculum is broad and ambitious and is carefully designed to inspire children and ensure they love learning with enriching and creative experiences.

Our fundamental aim is to ensure that children feel valued and able to achieve at RHJS.  We strive to ensure that we do all that we can to have happy children that have a desire to learn, explore and excel: We believe that in achieving this, we are preparing them for their next steps in their learning journey and their future lives. Without doubt, RHJS is a special place where everyone feels cared for and valued. I hope you enjoy looking at our website and that you find out more about what the school has to offer.

Mr. R. Jones

Wednesday's Teacher Focused Assembly

We strive to take learning beyond the academic, vocational or technical and provide for our pupils’ broader development.  To support this the school utilises assembly time to enhance pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development by exposing them to themes, ideas and people that wouldn't ordinarily be part of our curriculum. For details of this year's focused assemblies click this link

Latest Newsletters

  • 19 Jul 2024
    Summer 7 - Final Newsletter 2023-24

    Dear families,

    I hope this newsletter finds you all well.
    Please access the latest newsletter by clicking the link below.

    If you are having any issues with the link, the newsletter is also accessible on the school website in Sway format at:


    Mr Jones