Rednal Hill Junior School

Rednal Hill Junior School

Together we can turn possibility into reality

  1. Curriculum
  2. Computing

Computing Curriculum

Aims of the Computing Curriculum at Rednal Hill Junior School

Our computing curriculum aims are:

  • all children experience regular and varied computing opportunities which build their
    confidence, skills and excitement at using technology. 
  • pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.
  • pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content.
  • pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. 


Delivery of the Computing Curriculum at Rednal Hill Junior School
Pupils from years 3-6 take part in timetabled computing lessons, in a purpose built computer suite. These lessons are all taught by the computing lead teacher and this ensures there is consistency, continuity and progression throughout the key stage. To ensure that the computing curriculum is thoroughly covered, it is taught as a discrete subject with engaging links to other curriculum areas. Lessons taught are documented in a class journal, which include photos from lessons and examples of work produced.

Our topics are categorised into the following learning areas:

Computing Curriculum Whole School Overview

Online Safety Scheme Overview

At Rednal, we feel passionate about ensuring our children are good digital citizens and know how to stay safe online. We teach online safety as a whole school and community approach, alongside the teaching of technical computing skills. Each half term there is an online safety focus delivered through assemblies and age appropriate lessons and activities. These are documented in a whole school online safety journal. 

Safer Internet Day Song

  Pupil Work

Year 3 Word Processing

Year 6 Stop Motion Animation- Produced during their Movie Making Topic

Year 4 Animation

Year 6 Spreadsheets

Year 4 Questions and Quizzes. Quiz programmed by Dylan

Programmed by Dolly

Year 5 Developing Games- Mariah and Elliana's Trail Game

Jack's Penguin Dash

Josh's Maze Game