Rednal Hill Junior School

Rednal Hill Junior School

Together we can turn possibility into reality

  1. Curriculum
  2. Science


Aims of the Science Curriculum at Rednal Hill Junior School:

  • To develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics;
  • To inspire and motivate pupils to have passion and interest within science and to broaden their scientific view of the world around them;
  • To develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them;
  • To equip pupils with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

Delivery of Science Curriculum at Rednal Hill Junior School

Science at Rednal Hill Junior School is taught discretely in Years 3 to 6 through motivating units delivered through topics which are explicitly linked to the National Curriculum programmes of study. The curriculum has been sequenced strategically to ensure that learning builds progressively across the year and over the key stage. Key learning foci ensure that relevant material is taught pitched at the correct level, pupils make links across lessons and full coverage of the National Curriculum.



Children are able to grow as scientists by developing their scientific knowledge and understanding, where they are encouraged to explore the world around them through practical, investigative activities. Teachers plan using a carefully sequenced key learning foci that aims to build knowledge and skills in an order so pupils know more and remember more. A skills progression document supports teachers in ensuring that the pitch of the lesson is appropriate and progression across the key stage is evident.

Scientific enquiry is a fundamental aspect of our curriculum as we believe that it equips learners with the skills to work scientifically. Investigations follow a four-step approach:

Our superhero characters are used to support the children in understanding the scientific enquiries:

  • Comparative and fair testing
  • Identifying, classifying and grouping
  • Observing and measuring
  • Pattern seeking
  • Research using secondary sources

Knowledge prompt cards are used in each unit to outline age-related expectations for key scientific knowledge and vocabulary. End of unit quizzes and thought showers are used to support teachers assess pupils in Science. 

Attached to 12 of our units of work are key, inspirational scientists who are used to expose pupils to people who have impacted positively in the world in which we live. These figures help to build pupils’ aspirations and allow them to see how science is part of our everyday life.

We celebrate British Science week each year by taking part in whole school investigations which are planned around a given theme. We explore key scientists so that pupils can see how the work conducted by these people impacts on the world today. We raise the profile of the subject and celebrate the work of pupils through rewards and assemblies. Scientist of the month nominations are announced and a winner is celebrated each month.


Science week

Rednal Hill children had a fantastic week taking part in Science week. We conducted a whole school investigation: Which type of paper aeroplane will travel the furthest?

In addition to our whole school investigation, each year group revisited learning from previous topics in the year and conducted further experiments, which included a range of the scientific enquiries!

We also celebrated a Scientist Champion in every year group. As part of their reward, the winners spent some time over at the infants supporting a Science lesson!


Miss. S. Caunhye

If you'd like to find out more please contact me via the school office using:

Tel: 0121 453 2520 or


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