The aims of the PSHE Curriculum at Rednal Hill Junior School are:
- To develop knowledge of how to stay healthy and safe both physically and mentally
- To prepare our children for life and work in modern Britain by developing an understanding of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and respect for and acceptance of faiths and beliefs
- To prepare pupils for their adult lives by teaching them how to understand and engage with society.
- To develop pupils’ understanding of healthy relationships through appropriate relationships and sex education.
- To encourage pupils to be reflective about their own beliefs and perspectives on life and to inspire fascination in learning about other people, their faiths, and values.
- To teach pupils the difference between right and wrong and encourage reasoned views about moral and ethical issues whilst respecting the viewpoints of others.
Our PSHE curriculum is designed so that it is pertinent to our community and is made up of the following aspects:
Here is the yearly overview of coverage of the curriculum:
Jigsaw Lessons
Our PSHE curriculum is carefully delivered through weekly discrete PSHE lessons. We follow the ‘Jigsaw’ PSHE programme as Jigsaw holds children at its heart, and its cohesive vision helps children to understand and value how they fit in and contribute to the world. With a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw allows us to deliver engaging and relevant PSHE within a whole school approach. There are six units of work each year which are: has six engaging units of work covering varying themes which are:
Jigsaw is a progressive and spiral scheme of learning. It ensures that learning from previous years is revisited and extended, adding new concepts, knowledge and skills, year on year as appropriate.
Jigsaw is fully compliant with the DfE Statutory Relationships and Health Education Guidance. The unit ‘Changing Me’ also includes lessons to ensure that we are delivering appropriate RSE (Relationships and Sex Education).
No Outsiders Lessons
Everyone Different, Everyone Welcome!
We use the No Outsiders Lessons to enhance our PSHE curriculum. No Outsiders is a programme that promotes an ethos of inclusion and acceptance to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. No Outsiders helps us to:
- Develop responsible, respectful and active citizens
- Develop and deepen pupils’ understanding of the fundamental British Values
- Promote equality of opportunity
- Promote an inclusive environment regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation
These lessons are taught 1 x per half term and discussion is led through thought-provoking and engaging books.
Online Safety lessons
Our online safety sessions teach children how to stay safe online in our modern-day world. These compliment and enhance our jigsaw lessons where some aspects are covered with in the jigsaw pieces.
Online Safety at RHJS is taught through half termly themes with key questions and issues to explore. Each class takes part in online safety lessons during PSHE time and work is documented in a whole school journal. In addition to regular online safety lessons, Safer Internet Day is observed in school, key messages reinforced in PSHE and Computing lessons and workshops are delivered to year 6 pupils on sexting. RHJS children enjoy half-termly assemblies on their online safety topic. At RHJS we aim to educate children in an age-appropriate way:
How to evaluate what they see online
How to recognise techniques for persuasion
Their online behaviour
How to identify online risks
How and when to seek support
These are the units that the children cover each year:
Circle Coaching Sessions
Every two weeks, classes are involved in a coaching circle whereby the class community decides on a particular issue to discuss. These sessions are reactionary to what each particular class feels the need to discuss. Within these sessions, we are all valued and equal and everyone has the right to a voice. Our Golden Norms are the heart of the session:
Within these sessions, children are encouraged to appreciate and celebrate one another and they are then involved in coaching that focuses on communicating and problem solving.
Additional Themed Topics
Every term, there is a dedicated week/day to enhance and deepen the children’s understanding and learning. These additional themes are:
- Bullying
- Mental Health Awareness
- Online Safety
British Values
The fundamental British Values are interwoven throughout our entire curriculum and are incorporated into out whole school assembly offer.