Rednal Hill Junior School

Rednal Hill Junior School

Together we can turn possibility into reality

  1. Curriculum
  2. Assemblies
  3. Friday Celebration Assembly

Friday Celebration Assembly

Every Friday we celebrate key areas of our school:

  • Pupil of the Week.

    Every week, all class teachers nominate a child in their class to be celebrated in our special 'Friday Celebration’ assembly. These children are awarded with a ‘Pupil of the Week’ certificate to take home.  Winners are announced in our fornightly school newsletter. Please click here to access our newsletter

  • Reader of the week. Again, this is where each class teacher picks one child from their class for their excellent effort in reading.
  • Pen license. This is where children are celebrated as they move from pencil to pen!
  • Outstanding Contribution Award – School Values/Exceptional Behaviour/Attitude or Community Work

  • House points are announced weekly. These are given to children that are exponents of our key principles of Resilience, Perseverance, Integrity & Responsibility. 
  • Scientist of the month. Once a month teachers nominate their scientist of the month. 
  • Lunchtime Champions. This is given for the best class as judged by our lunchtime supervisors

Every Friday we choose one child from each class for their outstanding work ethic. They are then celebrated in Friday's 'Pupil of the Week' section of our assembly!

Here are the 'Pupil of the Week' winners for Friday 5th July

Year 3


Eshaal - for always following the 'Golden Norms'

Poppy - for always trying her best.


Teddy -  demonstrated some fantastic work during the school trip.

Jenson - for a fantastic character description during English

Erin  - an always child, always following the 'Golden Norms'.


George - for working extremely hard and welcoming another child in the class.

Menhoor - working really hard during reading.

Year 4


Kiyan - has a great attitude towards school and always trying his best.


Maddison - great effort with her creative writing.

Sutton Coldfield

David - for being a fantastic friend.

Olly M - for becoming more independent and having a go at all tasks.

Year 5


Lily-Mai - for trying her best this week. Showing great resilience.


Ella-Mae - for always demonstrating the 'Golden Norms'


Luna - amazing attitude towards learning in all subjects.

Year 6


Cameron - for efforts to improve communication skills 

Jack P.T - Fantastic effort in the end of year production.

Stratford Upon Avon

Muhammediyah - effort towards the end of year production.


Zakir - has settled into year 6. He is a fabulous addition to the class.

Here are the 'Pupil of the Week' winners for Friday 28th June

Year 3
Oscar - an always child. Always trying his hardest with a positive attitude.
Edith  - writing an outstanding piece of work.
Diego - Always giving his all and an amazing description of Iron Man
Iiham - an always child. Always puts in lots of effort, not only in class but also with homework.
Year 4
Imogen - a fantastic role model for our class.  Imogen was  fabulous during the a trip with another class, asking and answering some awesome questions.
Charlie - demonstrated some fantastic skills in maths.
Year 5
Eddie - exceptional science work.
Ella Mae - excellent embodiment of values during school trip to the Black Country Muesum.
Lilah - amazing student, a fantastic role model for our class.
Year 6
Perets - making good choices, listened to positive criticism.
Stratford Upon Avon
Emily - for effort in lessons and always having a mature attitude.
Oscar - despite faulty tools, was able to light a fire on trip and showed perseverance.

Here are the 'Pupil of the Week' winners for Friday 21st June

Year 3


Shanvi - always trying her best in all lessons.


Alisia - for always making great choices also supports others to make good choices too.


Poppy - has had a fantastic start to Rednal.

Year 4

Sutton Coldfield

Khloe - for always following the 'golden norms'. Khloe is becoming more confident at putting up her hand and answering questions in class.


Callum - has tried hard in all lessons this week especially during English.


Jackson - very creative in his work.

Ella - for her fantastic attitude towards her tests this week.

Year 5


Kevin - exemptional effort in journalistic work.

Martin - exemptional effort in journalistic work.


Riley - always trying his best and persevering when things get difficult. Great growth mindset.


Lillie - for confidence in teaching her class her dance routine in PE.

Ava - 100% effort is given in all lessons.

Year 6


Eli - working really hard especially during the End of Year Production.

Stratford Upon Avon

Sana - shows all the 'golden norms'.


Harvey - fantastic at taking on the role of Technician in the End of Year Production.