Pathfinder - Family Support
Pathfinder/Roots specialist early help and support for families.
What’s going on this term?
Parenting Support:
Is parenting feeling like a challenge? Would you like to feel more confident? Ask about our PI4 Parents or NVR course. These are 10 week courses that will support you to;
- Acquire practical tools to use when you feel stuck
- Develop an understanding of what could be going on for your child
- Access trained staff who are psychologically informed
If you would like to find out more speak to school staff
Coffee Mornings - come along to our weekly parent coffee morning. This is a friendly welcoming space for parents to connect with other parents and share concerns with your Pathfinder worker who will be there to support you with any issues you may be experiencing. Our coffee morning is on Fridays at 9am, please arrive via the school office and ask for Chrissy King.
Parent Quote
“Pathfinder has been an incredible support for me. At the time just before I first met with you I felt so alone and having no clue what to do and how to do things. The support I have received from you has changed all of that and I no longer feel isolated. I’m really enjoying the PIE course too, there are some parts that just confirms you're doing a good job and being a good mum and we all need that!“